Thursday, March 20, 2008

on the ball

15 minutes on treadmill
Crunches with Ball
Modified Plank
Modified Side Plank
Pendulum with Ball
Jackknife with Ball
Kneeling with Ball all around
Pushups on Ball at Hips
Hamstring Flexion with Ball
Wall Squats with Ball

b~ special k
lunch~ veggie sub, sun chips garden salsa
snack~ chocolate, jelly beans
D~ shredded wheat

Life: I'm going to try to learn how to sew. i just got the machine out of layaway for 40$ down from 100$. I got cute fabric. it cost me 20 for two different ones. An Toby helped me with picking patterns and not taking home the whole roll. He had been dragged to way to many craft store by his mom.

I'm draining my tofu finally so I'm going to have to find a good recipe


Shortimus said...

I have tofu sitting in the fridge right now waiting for something good. Pass on any good recipes that you find.

Reflection said...

Have fun sewing!

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I craft, I like making non useful items. And can't work on big projects without making ten items in between